Eksperimentalno određivanje karakteristika reoloških modela nenjutnovskih fluida
U radu se analiziraju parametri reološkog modela nenjutnovskih fluida i daje preg1ed osnovnih jednačina i brојеvа sličnosti merodavnih za strujanje u cilindričnim сеvimа. Daje se opis mеrnе aparature kao i rezultati eksperimentalnog određivanja karakteristika reološkog ponašanja otpadnih voda stočarske proizvodnje u temperaturskoj oblasti relevantnoj za рrоrаčun i vođenje sistema za аеrоbnu i аnаеrobnu fermentaciju navedenih materijala.
Kako citirati
KOSI, Franc F.; TODOROVIĆ, Marija S..
Eksperimentalno određivanje karakteristika reoloških modela nenjutnovskih fluida.
Zbornik Međunarodnog kongresa o KGH, [S.l.], v. 22, n. 1, p. 253-264, oct. 2018.
Dostupno na: <https://izdanja.smeits.rs/index.php/kghk/article/view/3913>. Datum pristupa: 07 dec. 2024
Opšta problematika KGH
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[2] Моо-Young, М. В.; Blanch, Н. W.: "Design of Biochemical Reactors Mass Transfer Criteria for Simple and Complex Systems - Reaction and Reactors", Springer - Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, New York, (1981)
[3] Metzner, А. В. : "Heat Transfer in Non - Newtonian Fluids", Adv. Heat transfer 2, 357, (1965)
[4] Bird, R. В.; Armstrong, R. С.; Hassager, O. : "Dynamics of Polimeric Liquids", Volume 1, Wiley, New York, (1977)
[5] Cho, У. I., Hartnett, Ј. Р.: "Non-Newtonian Fluids in Circular Pipe Flow", Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 15; Academic Press, Inc. (1982)
[6] Hartnett, Ј. Р.; Kostić, М.: "Heat Transfer to Newtonian and Newtonian Fluids in Rectangular Ducts", Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 19; Academic Press, Inc. (1989)
[7] Skeland, А.Н.: "Non-Newtonian Flow and HeatTransfer", John-Wiley and Sons., Inc. New York, (1967).
[8] Metzner, А. В. ; Reed, J. С. : "Flow of Non-newtonian Fluids Corelation of the Laminar, Transition and Turbulent - Flow Regions" AIChJ 11,207, (1965)
[9] Edvards, М. F.; Smith, R. : "The Turbulent Flоw of Non-Newtonian Fluids in the Absence of Anomalous Wall Effects", Ј. Non-Newtonian Fi Мес 7, (17, 198, (1980)
[10] Calderbank, Р.Н.; Моо-Young, M.D. : "Тhe Power Characteristics of Agitators for Mixing of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids", Transaction of Inst. Chem. Eng 39, 338, (1961).
[11] Chen,У. R. ; Hashimoto, А. G. : "Rheologlcal Propertles of Aerated Роultrу Waste Slurries", Transaction of the ASAE, Vol. 19, 1,128, (1976)
[12] Hashimoto, А. G. ; Chen, У. R.: "Rheology of Livestok Waste Slurries", Transaction of the ASAE, Vol. 10, 5, 930, (1976)
[13] Kumar, М.; Bartlett, D.; Mohsenin, N.: "Flоw Properties of Animal Waste Slurries", Transaction of the ASAE, Vol. 15, 7,718, (1972)