Optimizacija geometrijskih parametara radi automatizacije projektovanja solarnih kolektora
U ovom radu izvršeno je određivanje geometrijskih parametara solarnih kolektora optimizacionim metodama. Razvijen je matematički model za određivanje povoljnih geometrijskih karakteristika solarnih kolektora u cilju maksimizacije njihovog iskorišćenja. Optimalno rešenje kreirano je za geometrijske karakteristike kolektora sa cevima kruznog poprečnog preseka i kolektora sa cevima pravougaonog poprečnog preseka. Izvršena je uporedna analiza iskorišćenja oba tipa kolektora. Rezultatima ovog istraživanja predstavljen je značaj primene optimizacije i parametarskog modeliranja u projektovanju kolektora. Ova rešenja mogu se mogu jednostavno primeniti u praksi. Na kraju rada je izvršena diskusija rezultata i date su smernice daljih istraživanja.
Kako citirati
MATEJIĆ, Miloš et al.
Optimizacija geometrijskih parametara radi automatizacije projektovanja solarnih kolektora.
Zbornik Međunarodnog kongresa o KGH, [S.l.], v. 45, n. 1, p. 1-8, july 2019.
Dostupno na: <https://izdanja.smeits.rs/index.php/kghk/article/view/4931>. Datum pristupa: 15 sep. 2024
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[2] Messaoud Badache, Stéphane Hallé, Daniel Rousse, A full 34 factorial experimental design for efficiency optimization of an unglazed transpired solar collector prototype, Solar Energy, Volume 86, Issue 9, September 2012, Pages 2802-2810, ISSN 0038-092X.
[3] J.V.C. Vargas, J.C. Ordonez, E. Dilay, J.A.R. Parise, Modeling, simulation and optimization of a solar collector driven water heating and absorption cooling plant, Solar Energy, Volume 83, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 1232-1244, ISSN 0038-092X
[4] J. Szargut, W. Stanek, Thermo-ecological optimization of a solar collector, Energy, Volume 32, Issue 4, April 2007, Pages 584-590, ISSN 0360-5442
[5] I. Luminosu, L. Fara, Determination of the optimal operation mode of a flat solar collector by exergetic analysis and numerical simulation, Energy, Volume 30, Issue 5, April 2005, Pages 731-747, ISSN 0360- 5442
[6] A.A. Ghoneim, Performance optimization of solar collector equipped with different arrangements of square-celled honeycomb, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2005, Pages 95-105, ISSN 1290-0729
[7] F. Aghbalou, F. Badia, J. Illa, Exergetic optimization of solar collector and thermal energy storage system, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 49, Issues 7–8, April 2006, Pages 1255-1263, ISSN 0017-9310
[8] Soteris A. Kalogirou, Optimization of solar systems using artificial neural-networks and genetic algorithms, Applied Energy, Volume 77, Issue 4, April 2004, Pages 383-405, ISSN 0306-2619
[9] Alison Subiantoro, Kim Tiow Ooi, Analytical models for the computation and optimization of single and double glazing flat plate solar collectors with normal and small air gap spacing, Applied Energy, Volume 104, April 2013, Pages 392-399, ISSN 0306-2619
[10] B. Kundu, Analytic method for thermal performance and optimization of an absorber plate fin having variable thermal conductivity and overall loss coefficient, Applied Energy, Volume 87, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 2243-2255, ISSN 0306-2619
[11] Katharina Morawietz, Michael Hermann, Integrated Development and Modeling of Heat Pipe Solar Collectors, Energy Procedia, Volume 48, 2014, Pages 157-162, ISSN 1876-6102
[12] Kalogirou, S. A., Solar thermal collectors and applications, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, (2004), Vol. 30, pp. 231–295.
[13] Iordanou1 G. Apostolidou, E., Development of a Mathematical Lumped Parameters Model for the Heat Transfer Performance of a Solar Collector, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, (2013), Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 5-9.
[14] Ong, K. S., A finite-difference method to evaluate The thermal performance of a Solar Water Heater, Sola
[15] Zanakis, S. H., Evans J. R., Vazacopulos, A. A., Heuristic methods and applications: Categorized survey, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 43. pp. 88-110, 1989.
[16] Rao, S. S., Engineering optimization theory and practice, John Wiley and sons, Hoboken, New Jersey pp. 309-314. 2009.