Savremena muzealizacija i kolekcija muzeja solarne energije
Savremena muzejska praksa, koja u procesu muzealizacije obnovljivih izvora energije, u prvi plan ističe ideje, a potom eksponate, pogodna je za muzejsku kontekstualizaciju solarne energije. Imajući u vidu razvoj ideja o korišćenju ove vrste energije, predmet istraživanja je kolekcija Museum of Solar Energy, u kontekstu zaštite kulturnog nasleđa. U okviru razmatranja metodoloških, naučnih i obrazovnih aspekata delatnosti ovog muzeja, uz komparativnu analizu koncepta Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum, daje se projekcija mogućeg razvoja muzeja kao realnog i virtuelnog prostora za sticanje formativnog iskustva u radu sa solarnom energijom.
Kako citirati
POLIĆ, Suzana et al.
Savremena muzealizacija i kolekcija muzeja solarne energije.
Zbornik Međunarodne konferencije o obnovljivim izvorima električne energije – MKOIEE, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 69-76, nov. 2022.
Dostupno na: <>. Datum pristupa: 19 feb. 2025
Broj časopisa
Energetski izvori i skladištenje energije
[2] ICOM approves a new museum definition, 29. 8. 2022.)
[3] Spence, K., Akhenaten and the Amarna Period,
[4] 22.8. 2022.)
[5] 22.8. 2022.)
[6] Sloterdijk, P., Sfere: makrosferologija, Fedon, Beograd, 2015.
[7] Platon, Država, Kultura, Beograd, 1966.
[8] Posavec, Z., Ideja dobra: Interpretacija usporedbe sa suncem-Platon:Država 505--509c, Politička misao: časopis za politologiju, 9 (4), 1972, str. 415-425
[9] Knox, D., 'Copernicus's Doctrine of Gravity and Natural Elemental Motion', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 68 (2005), pp. 157-211
[10] Wildberg, C., John Philoponus’ Criticism of Aristotle’s Theory of Aether, Berlin 1988.
[11] (accessed 22.8.2022.)
[12] Stoiljković, D., Povodom Ruđera Boškovića, u: Ruđer Bošković, Gradac, br. 180-181, god. 38, 2011.
[13] Virtualna zbirka djela Ruđera Boškovića, (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)
[14] Faivre, A., The Theosophical Current: A Periodization, Theosophical History VII/5, A Quarterly Journal of Research, Volume VII, No. 5, January 1999, pp.167-207
[15] Groys, B., The Insider is Curious, the Outsider is Suspicious, Geert Lovink, ed., Uncanny Networks: Dialogues in Virtual Intelligentsia, MIT Press, 2002.
[16] Lovink, G., Interview with Boris Groys, German Art Critic and Media Theorist, (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)
[17] Eco, U., La Structure absente: Introduction à la recherche sémiotique, Mercure de France, Paris, 1984.
[18] Bromberger, Ch., Technologie et analyse sémantique des objets : pour une sémio-technologie, L'Homme, 1979, tome 19 n°1, pp. 105-140.
[19] Moles, A. A., Objet et communication, Communications 13: Les Objets, 1969., pp. 1-22
[20] Moles, A. A., Théorie de la complexité et civilisation industrielle: Notes sur l'application du concept de complexité à la théorie des objets, Communications 13: Les Objets, 1969, Seul, pp. 51 – 64
[21] Schweibenz, W.,The "Virtual Museum": New Perspectives For Museums to Present Objects and Information Using the Internet as a Knowledge Base and Communication System, In: Zimmermann, Harald H.; Schramm, Volker (Hg.): Knowledge Management und Kommunikationssysteme, Workflow Management, Multimedia, Knowledge Transfer. Proceedings des 6. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 1998), Prag, 3. – 7. November 1998. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1998. S. 185 – 200
[22] Bearman, D., Interactive Multimedia in Museums. Eds. Susan Stone and Michael Buckland, Michael, Studies in Multimedia: State-of-the-Art Solutions in Multimedia and Hypermedia. Proceedings of the 1991 Mid-Year Meeting of the American Society for Information Science San Jose, California, April 1991. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1992. 121-137
[23] Bearman, D., Information Strategies and Structures For Electronic Museums. Ed. Museum Documentation Association (Great Britain), Information: The Hidden Resource, Museums and the Internet. 7th Conference 1995 Edinburgh, Scotland. Cambridge, England: Museum Documentation Association, 1995. 5-22
[24] Bearman, D., Museum Strategies for Success on the Internet. Ed. Giskin Day, Museum Collections and the Information Highway. Proceedings of a Conference on Museums and the Internet 10 May 1995. London: Science Museum, 1995. 15-27
[25] Djindjian, F., The virtual museum: an introduction, Archeologia e Calcolatori, Supplemento 1, 2007, 9-14
[26] Mehwish, A., V. de Boer, E. Daga, M. van Erp, E. Hyvönen, A. Meroño-Peñuela, Semantic Web, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-4, 2022
[27] Bikakis, A., E. Hyvönen, S. Jean, B. Markhoff, A. Mosca, Editorial, Special issue on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage, Semantic Web, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 163-167, 2021
[28] Merleau – Ponty, M., Phénoménologie de la perception, Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1945.
[29] Davallon, J., Introduction. Le public au centre de l'evolution du musée, Culture & Musées (2), 1992, pp. 10-18
[30] Gluzinski, W. , Museology and cultural differentiation, in: V. Sofka ed., Museology and developing countries - help or manipulation? ICOFOM Study Series 14, Stockholm, 1988, pp. 139-145
[31] Berthoud L., K. Paul, Microparticle Impacts Observed on the Hubble Space Telescope Solar Array, Physics, Chemistry and Dynamics of Interplanetary Dust, ASP Conference Series, B.A.S. Gustafson and M. S. Hanner (eds.), Vol. 104, 1996.
[32] Foster C., M. Tinker, G. Nurre, W. Till, Solar-array-induced disturbance of the Hubble Space Telescope pointing system, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 32, No.4, July-August, 1995
[33] Cotton, D., When Big Science Fails: The Hubble Space Telescope Flaw and Implications for the Space Program in the Post-Cold War Era, Ph. D. thesis, University of Colorado Department of History, April 2014
[34] Wolfe, A. J., Competing with the Soviets: Science, Technology, and the State in Cold War
[35] America. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2013.
[36] Holder, R.D., S. Mitton, Georges Lemaître: A Brief Introduction to His Science, His Theology, and His Impact. In: Holder, R., Mitton, S. (eds) Georges Lemaître: Life, Science and Legacy. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, vol 395. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
[37] Mayall N.U., Edwin Powell Hubble 1889-1953, A Biographical Memoir, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., 1970.
[38] Polić, S., S. Petronić, Methodological problems of the application of renewable energy sources in cultural heritage protection, Proceedings / 7th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, October 17-18. 2019., SMEITS, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019., pp.265-269
[39] Petronić, S., S. Polić, M. Dragović, M. Srećković, A. Milosavljević, Distinctions on renewable energy sources and cultural heritage protection, Proceedings / 7th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, October 17-18. 2019., SMEITS, 2019., pp.257-263
[40] (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)
[41] (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)
[2] ICOM approves a new museum definition, 29. 8. 2022.)
[3] Spence, K., Akhenaten and the Amarna Period,
[4] 22.8. 2022.)
[5] 22.8. 2022.)
[6] Sloterdijk, P., Sfere: makrosferologija, Fedon, Beograd, 2015.
[7] Platon, Država, Kultura, Beograd, 1966.
[8] Posavec, Z., Ideja dobra: Interpretacija usporedbe sa suncem-Platon:Država 505--509c, Politička misao: časopis za politologiju, 9 (4), 1972, str. 415-425
[9] Knox, D., 'Copernicus's Doctrine of Gravity and Natural Elemental Motion', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 68 (2005), pp. 157-211
[10] Wildberg, C., John Philoponus’ Criticism of Aristotle’s Theory of Aether, Berlin 1988.
[11] (accessed 22.8.2022.)
[12] Stoiljković, D., Povodom Ruđera Boškovića, u: Ruđer Bošković, Gradac, br. 180-181, god. 38, 2011.
[13] Virtualna zbirka djela Ruđera Boškovića, (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)
[14] Faivre, A., The Theosophical Current: A Periodization, Theosophical History VII/5, A Quarterly Journal of Research, Volume VII, No. 5, January 1999, pp.167-207
[15] Groys, B., The Insider is Curious, the Outsider is Suspicious, Geert Lovink, ed., Uncanny Networks: Dialogues in Virtual Intelligentsia, MIT Press, 2002.
[16] Lovink, G., Interview with Boris Groys, German Art Critic and Media Theorist, (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)
[17] Eco, U., La Structure absente: Introduction à la recherche sémiotique, Mercure de France, Paris, 1984.
[18] Bromberger, Ch., Technologie et analyse sémantique des objets : pour une sémio-technologie, L'Homme, 1979, tome 19 n°1, pp. 105-140.
[19] Moles, A. A., Objet et communication, Communications 13: Les Objets, 1969., pp. 1-22
[20] Moles, A. A., Théorie de la complexité et civilisation industrielle: Notes sur l'application du concept de complexité à la théorie des objets, Communications 13: Les Objets, 1969, Seul, pp. 51 – 64
[21] Schweibenz, W.,The "Virtual Museum": New Perspectives For Museums to Present Objects and Information Using the Internet as a Knowledge Base and Communication System, In: Zimmermann, Harald H.; Schramm, Volker (Hg.): Knowledge Management und Kommunikationssysteme, Workflow Management, Multimedia, Knowledge Transfer. Proceedings des 6. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 1998), Prag, 3. – 7. November 1998. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1998. S. 185 – 200
[22] Bearman, D., Interactive Multimedia in Museums. Eds. Susan Stone and Michael Buckland, Michael, Studies in Multimedia: State-of-the-Art Solutions in Multimedia and Hypermedia. Proceedings of the 1991 Mid-Year Meeting of the American Society for Information Science San Jose, California, April 1991. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1992. 121-137
[23] Bearman, D., Information Strategies and Structures For Electronic Museums. Ed. Museum Documentation Association (Great Britain), Information: The Hidden Resource, Museums and the Internet. 7th Conference 1995 Edinburgh, Scotland. Cambridge, England: Museum Documentation Association, 1995. 5-22
[24] Bearman, D., Museum Strategies for Success on the Internet. Ed. Giskin Day, Museum Collections and the Information Highway. Proceedings of a Conference on Museums and the Internet 10 May 1995. London: Science Museum, 1995. 15-27
[25] Djindjian, F., The virtual museum: an introduction, Archeologia e Calcolatori, Supplemento 1, 2007, 9-14
[26] Mehwish, A., V. de Boer, E. Daga, M. van Erp, E. Hyvönen, A. Meroño-Peñuela, Semantic Web, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-4, 2022
[27] Bikakis, A., E. Hyvönen, S. Jean, B. Markhoff, A. Mosca, Editorial, Special issue on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage, Semantic Web, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 163-167, 2021
[28] Merleau – Ponty, M., Phénoménologie de la perception, Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1945.
[29] Davallon, J., Introduction. Le public au centre de l'evolution du musée, Culture & Musées (2), 1992, pp. 10-18
[30] Gluzinski, W. , Museology and cultural differentiation, in: V. Sofka ed., Museology and developing countries - help or manipulation? ICOFOM Study Series 14, Stockholm, 1988, pp. 139-145
[31] Berthoud L., K. Paul, Microparticle Impacts Observed on the Hubble Space Telescope Solar Array, Physics, Chemistry and Dynamics of Interplanetary Dust, ASP Conference Series, B.A.S. Gustafson and M. S. Hanner (eds.), Vol. 104, 1996.
[32] Foster C., M. Tinker, G. Nurre, W. Till, Solar-array-induced disturbance of the Hubble Space Telescope pointing system, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 32, No.4, July-August, 1995
[33] Cotton, D., When Big Science Fails: The Hubble Space Telescope Flaw and Implications for the Space Program in the Post-Cold War Era, Ph. D. thesis, University of Colorado Department of History, April 2014
[34] Wolfe, A. J., Competing with the Soviets: Science, Technology, and the State in Cold War
[35] America. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2013.
[36] Holder, R.D., S. Mitton, Georges Lemaître: A Brief Introduction to His Science, His Theology, and His Impact. In: Holder, R., Mitton, S. (eds) Georges Lemaître: Life, Science and Legacy. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, vol 395. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
[37] Mayall N.U., Edwin Powell Hubble 1889-1953, A Biographical Memoir, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., 1970.
[38] Polić, S., S. Petronić, Methodological problems of the application of renewable energy sources in cultural heritage protection, Proceedings / 7th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, October 17-18. 2019., SMEITS, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019., pp.265-269
[39] Petronić, S., S. Polić, M. Dragović, M. Srećković, A. Milosavljević, Distinctions on renewable energy sources and cultural heritage protection, Proceedings / 7th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, Belgrade, October 17-18. 2019., SMEITS, 2019., pp.257-263
[40] (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)
[41] (accessed 29. 8. 2022.)