Novi prenosni MHD sistem za desalinizaciju elektrodijalizom


Noureddine Bensedira Mohammed-Salah Aggoune Mounir Boudouh


The need for fresh water in desert regions in different continents becomes nowadays a major concern for the local countries. People have used deep wells, river waters, sea water ... to overcome those needs. The aim of this paper is to present a new portable and energy efficient means to desalinate sea water for domestic use. The proposed model uses an MHD system to pump the salted water and Electrodialysis Filter membranes to separate salt ions so as to deliver fresh, drinkable water. This process makes the device simple, convenient, less bulky and energy efficient as it has no moving parts, uses no external pumps which require maintenance and possibly spare parts and only uses an external DC source to supply the current required for pumping and desalinating the solution to be treated.

A 3D modeling and simulation of the magnetohydrodynamic - ion transport coupling by COMSOL Multiphysics software was carried out and the results obtained show a substantial reduction in salt concentration: at the outlet and after a period of 30s, the concentration of Na+ and Cl- are reduced by respectively 60% and 50%.


Kako citirati
BENSEDIRA, Noureddine; AGGOUNE, Mohammed-Salah; BOUDOUH, Mounir. Novi prenosni MHD sistem za desalinizaciju elektrodijalizom. Zbornik Međunarodne konferencije o obnovljivim izvorima električne energije – MKOIEE, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 181-187, nov. 2022. Dostupno na: <>. Datum pristupa: 16 jan. 2025
Aplikacije i usluge


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