Application of GIS in the design of process facilities and environmental impact analysi
Geographic Information System (GIS) is widely used in the design process, particulary as a support for civil engineers and construction. However, in combination with AutoCAD and MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) software GIS can be a powerful complementary tool for the design of process facili- ties. Presented characteristic examples include pipelines for district heating; oil & gas pipelines with interconnected complex gas trans- mission facilities; distributed systems in large power plants, refin- eries, and wastewater treatment plants; transport, distribution, and storage of treated potable water; determination of basic sizes of land- fill and basis for calculation of landfill gas generation. Another useful application of GIS is related to Environmental Impact Analysis due to its capability for custom application development for modeling using maps, spatial, and other available information. Some exam- ples are: the calculation of the release and distribution of polluting components in the environment, in particular regarding the emission in the atmosphere; basic concepts and models related to airflow, at- mospheric stability, turbulence, atmospheric water circulation, me- teorology, and dispersion models. Finally, emphasis is given to the possibility for constant update of data in GIS, utilizing of feedback, rerunning of models, and spatial and temporal comparison of results.
sulting Engineers S. A., Athens, Greece, 2021. http://www.gk-consul-
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