Razvoj proizvoda i postrojenјa za proizvodnјu filter-antracita u rudniku antracita Vrška Čuka
Rudnik antracita Vrška Čuka je jedini rudnik antracita u Srbiji. U potrazi za alternativnom upotrebom antracita, u proteklih nekoliko godina sproveden je niz aktivnosti, od ideje i razvoja proizvoda do projekta izgradnje pogona za proizvodnju filter-antracita. Filter-antracit kao novi proizvod je šansa za rudnik, sa kojom rudnik može da doživi lepšu budućnost. Projektovano postrojenje je u skladu sa aktuelnim ekološkim standardima. U radu je prikazan razvoj proizvoda i postrojenja za proizvodnju filter-antracita u rudniku antracita Vrška Čuka.
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Razvoj proizvoda i postrojenјa za proizvodnјu filter-antracita u rudniku antracita Vrška Čuka.
Zbornik Međunarodnog kongresa o procesnoj industriji – Procesing, [S.l.], v. 37, n. 1, p. 335-342, june 2024.
Dostupno na: <https://izdanja.smeits.rs/index.php/ptk/article/view/8093>. Datum pristupa: 19 feb. 2025
Projektovanje, izgradnja, eksploatacija, i održavanje procesnih postrojenja
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[15] Stakic, B., Sokolovic, J., Perendic, S., Ciric, D., Purification of industrial oily wastewater by anthracite from coal mine „Vrska Cuka” Avramica". Proceedings X International Symposium on Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development – X IRTSD 2015, Bor, Serbia, 109-112, 2015.
[16] Djolovic, R., et al., Aditional mining design of a facility for the production of filter anthracite in the RA Vrska Cuka – Avramica, Bor, 2022.
[2] *** World Coal Association, Coal facts, Available: https://www.worldcoal.org/coal-facts/ (Accessed: 21. 09. 2023.)
[3] Cornerstone, 2013, Anthracite: An Increasingly Valuable Commodity. The official journal of the world coal industry, 1 (2), 8, 2013.
[4] *** Atrium, World’s largest anthracite deposit. Atrium Coal, 2013.
[5] *** Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the period by 2025 with projections by 2030. Ministry of Mining and Energy, Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 2016.
[6] Grammelis, P., Margaritis, N., Karampinis, E., Solid fuel types for energy generation: Coal and fossil carbon-derivative solid fuels. In Fuel flexible energy generation, 29-58, Woodhead Publishing, 2016.
[7] Dalmacija, B., Agbaba, J., Klašnja, M., Modern methods in the preparation of drinking water. Faculty of Science, Novi Sad, 2009.
[8] Stakic, B., Perendic, S., Ciric, D., Feasibility study for remaining coal reserves in the "Vrška Čuka" deposit Avramica, Anthracite coal mine Vrska Cuka, 2013.
[9] Stakic, B. et al.: Study on reserves of coal deposits „Mala Čuka” Avramica. Anthracite coal mine Vrska Cuka, 2006.
[10] Sokolovic, J., Stakic, B., Perendic, S., Sustainable use of resources in the coal mine Vrska Cuka: Application of anthracite coal for water treatment. Plenary lectures, Proceedings VIII Symposium with international participation “Mining 2017”, Palic, Serbia, 72-84, 2017.
[11] Scekic, V., Analysis of the quality of anthracite for the needs of technological processes of water filtration. Research and development, XVI (35) 2 (2010), 65-69.
[12] Ciric, D., Stakic, B., Perendic, S., Usage of anthracite in drinking and wastewater purification. Proceedings XXII International Scientific and Professional Meeting „Ecological Truth“, Eco-Ist ’14, Bor, Serbia, 414-419, 2014.
[13] Perendic, S., Ciric, D., Stakic, B., Sokolovic, J., Application of the filter-anthracite® for drinking water purification. Proceedings XXIII International Scientific and Professional Meeting „Ecological Truth“, Eco-Ist ’15, Kopaonik, Serbia, 610-613, 2015.
[14] Sokolovic, J., Stanojlovic, R., Stankovic, S., Gardic, V., Treatment of oily wastewater by adsorption using anthtracite. Quaestus Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Quaestus 4 (2014), 290-297.
[15] Stakic, B., Sokolovic, J., Perendic, S., Ciric, D., Purification of industrial oily wastewater by anthracite from coal mine „Vrska Cuka” Avramica". Proceedings X International Symposium on Recycling Technologies and Sustainable Development – X IRTSD 2015, Bor, Serbia, 109-112, 2015.
[16] Djolovic, R., et al., Aditional mining design of a facility for the production of filter anthracite in the RA Vrska Cuka – Avramica, Bor, 2022.